Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Extreme Ice Cream

We've brought you many hot and spicy items on Extreme Chef, but this week we bring you a chilling twist on a classic summer favourite.

Armed with enough liquid nitrogen to cool you off on the hottest of summer days, Pat Newton shows you a quick way to whip up ice cream. But not just any ice cream, Extreme Ice Cream.

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Car-be-Que

Pop Quiz - You've just perfectly seasoned a juicy steak and are ready to throw it on the Barbeque. A complication arises - you have no propane. Do you -

a) Go to bed hungry
b) Buy more propane
c) Car-be-que

I think the answer is obvious.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Ghostpepper Killah (World's Hottest Caesar)

The Extreme Chef is back! This week Pat Newton scours Toronto for the hottest of hot sauces before finding his prized choice - The Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.

And what to make with the Ghost Pepper? The World's Hottest Caesar of course. Tune in to see the cocktail hot enough to leave one Extreme Team member crying in a cold shower.

We dare you to make hotter!