Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

In days before our time there were no supermarkets, fast food chains, or even sidewalk hotdog vendors. If you didn't grow, forage, or catch it - then you didn't eat it.

Extreme Chef Pat Newton brings you a modern approach to that old world idea. Some say, "to the victor goes the spoils". We at Extreme Chef say, "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner". Check out Pat's Blazin' Cajun dry rub recipe below.

Blazin' Cajun Dry Rub

With a mortar and pestle combine:
2tbsp mexican chili powder
1tbsp ground coffee
2tsp dehydrated onion flakes
1tsp salt
1tsp black pepper
1tsp coriander seeds
2tsp bacon bits
1tbsp mustard powder
2tbsp brown sugar

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Williams-Sonoma Demo Recipes

Due to popular requests we've uploaded the recipes from the July 2nd in-store demo at Williams-Sonoma. Check them out below and try them at home!

Notes from the Chef
Today I prepare for you some of my favourite summer recipes. Whether you’re planning an intimate dinner in the city, or a summer cookout at the cottage, these recipes are sure to set the mood and leave your guests wanting more. Enjoy! - Pat Newton

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Live @ Williams-Sonoma

Saturday, July 2nd/11 the Extreme Chef performed his first public cooking demo at Williams-Sonoma in Toronto. For those of you who missed it, we bring you some of the best highlights from the afternoon*.

For those of you that were in attendance - thank you for showing up and making the event so successful. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

*(food not included)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Mixed Martial Energy

The Extreme Chef brings you his ultimate energy drink. And what better to follow but a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training session. This is Mixed Martial Energy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Fishwasher

So, after a long day fishing in the great fountains of Toronto you return home, catch of the day in hand, only to discover a mountain of messy dishes has laid claim to your kitchen. What do you do?

Well...it doesn't really matter what you do. But what does the Extreme Chef do? Fishwasher. Duh.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Extreme Ice Cream

We've brought you many hot and spicy items on Extreme Chef, but this week we bring you a chilling twist on a classic summer favourite.

Armed with enough liquid nitrogen to cool you off on the hottest of summer days, Pat Newton shows you a quick way to whip up ice cream. But not just any ice cream, Extreme Ice Cream.

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Car-be-Que

Pop Quiz - You've just perfectly seasoned a juicy steak and are ready to throw it on the Barbeque. A complication arises - you have no propane. Do you -

a) Go to bed hungry
b) Buy more propane
c) Car-be-que

I think the answer is obvious.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Ghostpepper Killah (World's Hottest Caesar)

The Extreme Chef is back! This week Pat Newton scours Toronto for the hottest of hot sauces before finding his prized choice - The Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.

And what to make with the Ghost Pepper? The World's Hottest Caesar of course. Tune in to see the cocktail hot enough to leave one Extreme Team member crying in a cold shower.

We dare you to make hotter!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - G-BREAD

Some people make garlic bread. The Extreme Chef makes G-BREAD. Check out Pat Newton's recipe for the ultimate garlic bread experience and learn how a few unique twists can turn any loaf into a certified G.

Because at Extreme Chef, we're about two things -
1) Gettin' that Bread
2)Keeping it G

Monday, February 28, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Yellow Snow

When is it safe to eat Yellow Snow? When the Extreme Chef tells you to, that's when!

Check out Pat's traditional Québécois winter treat and try it for yourself next time the snow flies. Just make sure you don't start with yellow snow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Epic Eel Time

This week the Extreme Chef brings you his Badass Beer Batter recipe. A simple recipe with so many possibilities. So what did we end up battering and frying?

Fish and chips came to mind immediately, but not without an extreme twist. Maybe we should wrap the fish in bacon before battering... Maybe we should fry a really big fish and get hot girls to eat it... Can we use Jack Daniels instead of oil in the fryer?

Nah. We here at Extreme Chef place taste and originality over shock value. With that said though, this one might be a bit shocking. Epic Eel Time.

Oh yeah and...uh...#shotsfired.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Extrème Brûlée

Due to some technical problems we weren't able to have this video live yesterday. How about we celebrate Valentines Week instead?

It'll be just like that one time you forgot to buy your girl anything on Valentines Day, but totally made up for it the next day...only we'll actually be forgiven. Because we have the Extreme Chef. And he made Extrème Brûlée.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Breaking News

So two weeks ago we brought you the Extreme Chef working out a few kinks and getting back on his grind... Well apparently there's a few new kinks to work out - namely a torn AC in Pat's right shoulder.

Guess it's time for the Extreme Chef to once again channel his pent-up energy into the kitchen. But don't worry, it's just a minor setback...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Fresh 'N Smooth

This week we bring you a dose from the Extreme Chef archives. Filmed in the fall of '09 for the original Extreme Chef shoot, Pat brings you the recipe for his bangin' breakfast smoothie complete with his secret ingredient.

Next week we're back with some all new Extreme footage. You will want to see this one - we've got some breaking news!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Gotta Work Out da Kinks

After a long summer and fall of recovery and rehab, the Extreme Chef is back on his grind. Plagued with a torn meniscus in his right knee Pat has had to sideline his extreme sport ambitions and focus his pent up energy into new culinary creations.

Although still not back to 100% on the Extreme-o-Meter, Pat Newton is readying his prep work to fire up his comeback. There are still a few kinks to work out, but he's ready to again be fearless inside and outside of the kitchen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Extreme Chef Webisodes - Extreme Adventures

Last year we brought you the Extreme Chef's Straight Outta Mexico series showcasing traditional local cuisine and Pat's unique spin on them.

To kick off the new year we revisit Mexico and bring you a virtual guide, with Pat as host, showing you how to have the fun in the sun. Tequila, tacos, shoebox burritos, and more!